Specific Competencies and Skills Tested in this Assessment:
- Demonstrate positive safety attitudes and responsibilities
- Demonstrate knowledge of basic emergency procedures
- Demonstrate knowledge of equipment safety systems and consumer liability issues associated with them
- Demonstrate structural and environmental safety
Welding and Mechanics
- Exhibit knowledge and proficiency of shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) procedures
- Exhibit knowledge and proficiency of gas metal arc welding (GMAW) procedures
- Exhibit knowledge and proficiency of gas cutting and welding procedures
- Exhibit knowledge and proficiency of plastic welding procedures
- Exhibit knowledge of milling machines, lathes, grinders, and saws
Power and Machinery
- Exhibit knowledge and proficiency of fluid power system
- Exhibit knowledge and proficiency of engine system
- Exhibit knowledge and proficiency of electrical system
- Exhibit knowledge and proficiency of power train system
- Service and maintain machines and equipment
- Identify and analyze machines and equipment components
- Troubleshoot and diagnose machines and equipment
- Disassemble and reassemble machines and equipment, test operation, and make adjustments as necessary
Electrical Power and Process
- Solve problems to determine voltage, amperage, resistance, and wattage
- Exhibit knowledge and show proficiency with use of a voltmeter, ohmmeter, ammeter, or wattmeter
- Exhibit knowledge and proficiency of structural wiring
- Disassemble, clean, and reassemble electric motors
Agricultural Structures
- Exhibit knowledge and proficiency of plumbing procedures
- Demonstrate knowledge of framing process and identify appropriate building materials
- Calculate board feet and cost of materials
- Demonstrate knowledge of concrete structures
- Read and interpret blueprints and plans
- Demonstrate knowledge of roofing systems
- Demonstrate knowledge of ventilation systems
- Complete a bill of materials
- Determine cost of a project
- Accurately record and interpret nameplate information
- Calculate cost of operating equipment
- Establish and maintain effective business strategies and interpersonal communication skills
- Calculate, maintain, and analyze accurate business records
- Display knowledge of basic information management skills
Environmental and Natural Resource Systems
- Set up and adjust field survey equipment
- Calculate, measure, maintain, and analyze data from field survey
- Complete differential or profile leveling problem
- Read and interpret maps including property, township, zoning, and topographical maps
- Demonstrate familiarity with national environmental agencies such as Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), or Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ)
Careers in Agriculture Mechanics
- Examine career opportunities in the agriculture power and systems technologies
- Identify advanced training or post secondary education needed for careers in agriculture power and systems technologies
- Demonstrate knowledge of personal characteristics important to specific occupations in power and systems technologies
Written Assessment:
Administration Time: 3 hours
Number of Questions: 183
Areas Covered:
7% Safety
15% Welding and Mechanics
27% Power and Machinery
11% Electrical Power and Process
15% Agricultural Structures
11% Agribusiness
9% Environmental and Natural Resource Systems
5% Careers in Agriculture Mechanics
Sample Questions:
Some electric motors are designed with built-in capacitors because the capacitor
- gives additional starting torque even though it requires additional amperage
- helps maintain running efficiency after the motor reaches operating speed
- provides the motor with extra power when the load is increased
- allows the operator to set the speed of the motor
A short weld used for temporarily holding metal in place is called a _______ weld.
- spacer
- temporary fusion
- tack
- temporary braze
The control device used to regulate engine speed is referred to as the
- carburetor
- governor
- throttle
- intake valve
A square of building material will cover
- 10 square feet
- 25 square feet
- 50 square feet
- 100 square feet
A rod reading taken on a point of known elevation is
- backsight
- line of sight
- foresight
- hindsight
Performance Assessment:
Administration Time: 3 hours
Number of Jobs: 6
Areas Covered:
22% Horizontal Square Groove Butt Weld – SMAW
Safety, select correct electrodes, attach the ground clamp, set amperage correctly, set the gap, tack, position metal, and quality of bead.
19% Oxyacetylene Cutting
Safety, adjust regulators, light and adjust flame, cutting, and product evaluation.
20% Troubleshoot and Diagnose a Gas Engine
Safety, engine model number, compression reading, gap measurement, spark intensity, determination of engine performance, and explanation.
12% Install a Switch to Control a Light
Safety, circuit grounded, boxes grounded, attach wires to switch terminals, and light switch controlled.
16% Mark a Common Rafter
Safety, correct measurements, upper plumb cut, lower plumb cut, and bird’s mouth cut.
11% Set Up and Instrument Leveling of the Farm Level
Care of instruments and equipment, set up and leveling of instrument, and rod reading.
Sample Job: Set Up and Instrument Leveling of the Farm Level
Maximum Time: 30 minutes
Participant Activity: The participant will set up and level the instrument and take a rod reading on a road at a predetermined fixed location.