Certification Development
Validate technical skills specific to your industry or organization with a competency-based certification developed by an accredited third party.
Certification Development Services
Not every industry organization has the bandwidth or technical expertise to create certification assessments. Enlisting NBS expands your organization’s resources, helps maintain program integrity, and ensures credentials meet defined standards for reliability and validity.
With NBS, your organization can focus on what you do best and rely on our expertise to help develop a valid, reliable, competency-based credential. We can assist with:
- Job and Task Analysis (JTA)
- Item/Job Development
- Assessment Construction
- Pilot Testing
- Item Analysis
- Bias Review
- Cut Score Determination
- Scoring & Database Management
- Online and/or Paper/Pencil Administration
Why Choose NBS as a Certification Partner?
NBS is a nationally recognized credentialing body known for developing valid, reliable, and legally defensible technical assessments. We can help ensure your certification aligns with industry standards and provides an accurate and comprehensive picture of an individual’s technical skills.
Accredited Process
NBS has earned full accreditation from the International Certification Accreditation Council (ICAC). This ensures a neutral third party has properly evaluated our organization alongside international standards. ICAC accreditation signifies our credentials follow the best international industry practices and standards outlined in ISO 17024. We also adhere to the professional standards as defined in the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing and the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures.
Third-Party Development
Developing a credentialing assessment with a third party like NBS involves independent development and verification to reduce conflict of interest and provide significant meaning. While it is important for an individual to prove their skill level by obtaining a third-party certification, it is equally as important for the organization developing the certification assessment to be a third party.
The assessment development company works with the Subject Matter Expert (SME) team provided by the certification organization to identify the core and critical competencies needed to become certified in a particular industry. This third party also serves as the disinterested party regarding who becomes certified. Their only stake in the process is to ensure that those meeting the minimum requirements of the certification have the skills determined by the SMEs to be successful in the industry.
A first-party certification is a self-declaration. A second-party certification is a company or training provider creating its own verification program for candidate certification. A third-party certification verifies that a product, process, or service meets a defined standard.
Delivery & Scoring Services
After developing your certification, NBS can also help with credential delivery and scoring services. Our online testing system is capable of quickly and securely delivering assessments and providing granular-level data for instructional and program improvement. The system is available 24/7, is capable of multiple-session administration, and has built-in accommodations like text-to-speech and extended time.
What Our Certification Partners Say
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