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Testing Services

To ensure that our customers and clients receive a fair and accurate test-taking experience, we offer multiple testing services.

Test Hosting

NBS works with companies that have created their own assessments and are looking for additional methods of assessment delivery. First, we review the test items to ensure that they can be delivered through QuadNet’s™ assessment engine. Once we upload the assessment it is eligible for online delivery.

Branded Testing Sites

We can fully customize the online testing experience. Branded elements like logos and colors help integrate testing into your overall hiring or workforce development process.

Online Data Storage

When test candidates complete an assessment, our online testing system generates a score report. Score reports provide comparative data for all tests so employers can gauge how a specific test-taker’s scores compare to the rest of the industry. All score reports are available for clients in their own Client Services Center, which is accessible through login credentials.

Test Delivery

Our multiple choice (cognitive) and performance (hands-on) assessments are available in either online or paper/pencil administration formats. Whenever using QuadNet™ is not an option, we will provide traditional paper/pencil testing materials. Completed tests are securely collected and shipped back to NBS. Results are available two business days after answer sheets are received at the NBS office.


We can provide text-to-speech (TTS), time extensions, and large print paper/pencil assessment accommodations for candidates with special needs.


Nocti Business Solutions works closely with a translation company that can translate any assessment into any language.