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Healthcare Core

Entry Level Assessment Blueprint

Specific Competencies and Skills Tested in this Assessment:


Awareness and Sensitivity to Client Needs

  • Describe how healthcare workers can be aware and sensitive to clients and their families (across the lifespan) emotional, spiritual, mental health and social needs, behaviors, and attitudes
  • Explain how different diseases can influence the functioning, behaviors, and attitudes of individuals including dementia/Alzheimer’s disease
  • Describe selected client service strategies (e.g., service, quality client care, client participation)
  • Define the stages and processes of death and dying and the influence those stages have on clients and their families


Behaviors for Success in Healthcare Settings

  • Discuss healthcare fields and the types of workers needed
  • Describe employer behavioral expectations of healthcare personnel
  • Identify the impact of quality in healthcare facilities as well as the responsibilities of users of the healthcare system (e.g., healthcare workers maintenance of personal wellness)
  • Describe selected types of healthcare facilities and healthcare delivery systems (e.g., organizational and financial structure, departments and services, type and levels of healthcare personnel, policies and requirements)


Communication in Healthcare Settings

  • Describe the components of verbal and nonverbal communication and situations in which these skills can be effectively used
  • Explain how active listening skills can improve client/individual and team communication
  • Use a variety of communication techniques to achieve effective interpersonal and team communication
  • Describe communication skills that are important when managing conflict
  • Explain the components of accurate and appropriate documentation and reporting (e.g., common medical abbreviations)
  • Explain the roles and responsibilities of team members
  • Describe the use of information technology in healthcare settings


Communication in Healthcare Settings Continued

  • Using a problem-solving process applied to healthcare situations, describe how healthcare workers can effectively communicate with their clients/individuals and team members


Healthcare Ethics

  • Describe dimensions of values as they impact healthcare
  • Describe basic principles of professional relationships
  • Describe how ethical decision making influences the care of clients
  • Explain how an individual’s diversity, socioeconomic, or religious beliefs could lead to potential ethical differences with that of other healthcare employees

Legal Issues in Healthcare

  • Explain the laws (e.g., liability,  influence on client care)
  • Explore legal issues such as sexual harassment, wrongful discharge, negligence, malpractice and violence in the workplace (e.g., abuse, neglect, exploitation, and the Vulnerable Adults law)
  • Identify the legal issues related to informed consent, advanced directives, ensuring the clients’ rights and responsibilities, and accurate documentation
  • Describe the importance of confidentiality (HIPAA) and consequences of inappropriate use of healthcare data (social media and email) in terms of disciplinary actions


Healthcare Safety and Standard Precautions

  • List healthcare safety standards and regulatory agencies and the requirements they set for safety standards for healthcare facilities, their employees, and clients/individuals
  • Explain the current requirements of standard precautions and the procedures used at a variety of healthcare facilities to support those standards (e.g., infection control, proper hand washing, and gloving procedures)
  • Identify ways in which healthcare workers can demonstrate personal and client safety (e.g., Safety Data Sheets (SDS), safety signs, symbols, labels, and physical, chemical, and biological safety)
  • Explain the procedures used to respond to client/individual and healthcare facility emergencies (e.g., fire safety and natural disasters)


Respecting Client and Staff Diversity

  • Describe one’s personal belief system as well as the belief systems and practices of diverse cultures
  • Explore personal responsibility as a healthcare employee to treat each person as an individual
  • Discuss the appropriate workplace expectations to interact with team members and care for clients/individuals from diverse cultures, gender, age groups
  • Using a problem-solving process, applied to healthcare situations, describe how healthcare employees can respect client and staff diversity


Written Assessment:

Administration Time: 2 hours
Number of Questions: 108

Areas Covered:

Awareness and Sensitivity to Client Needs: 12%

Behaviors for Success in Healthcare Settings: 14%

Communication in Healthcare Settings: 27%

Healthcare Ethics: 12%

Legal Issues in Healthcare: 11%

Healthcare Safety and Standard Precautions: 12%

Respecting Client and Staff Diversity: 12%


Sample Questions:

A 78-year-old person is best classified as a/an _____ patient.

  1. dependent
  2. hospice
  3. geriatric
  4. ambulatory


To provide direct patient care, a healthcare employee needs a

  1. bachelor’s degree in healthcare
  2. valid state driver’s license
  3. complete physical examination
  4. clear criminal background check


An example of body language that conveys interest in what a speaker is saying is

  1. gazing over the speaker’s shoulder
  2. crossing your arms
  3. stifling a yawn
  4. leaning forward slightly


Which of the following should be the basis of ethical decision-making in healthcare?

  1. personal morals
  2. previous ways the situation has been handled
  3. emotions and intuition
  4. professional guiding principles


The definition of a vulnerable adult is a person over the age of 18 who

  1. is an unemployed adult living with parents
  2. does not have a stable place to live and requires food assistance
  3. is dependent on services due to a physical, emotional, or mental disability
  4. attends a college and lives in a dorm


The most important factor in preventing the spread of infection is to

  1. place the patient in isolation
  2. wash hands between each patient contact
  3. clean the unit each day
  4. wear sterile gloves to care for all patients


Which of the following terms includes lifestyles and religion?

  1. ethnicity
  2. diversity
  3. customs
  4. culture


A patient has dementia. Which intervention is inappropriate?

  1. assisting the patient in dressing
  2. rearranging the patient’s furniture
  3. talking about the weather
  4. encouraging the patient to talk


It is important for patients to actively participate in their own healthcare.  Patients should

  1. ask others to make treatment decisions for them
  2. educate themselves on healthcare options
  3. have others choose their healthcare provider
  4. avoid questioning their healthcare provider


When a doctor orders a medication STAT, the patient should be given the medication

  1. immediately
  2. intermittently
  3. as needed
  4. as desired