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At Nocti Business Solutions, we stress with our manufacturing partners the importance of using effective and accurate training methods. Through our experience, we’ve learned that training is one of the most important and influential factors for building a successful manufacturing company; especially when job roles involve a skilled trade. With proper training materials, companies can develop a strong and knowledgeable workforce, fully prepared to deliver fast and efficient production.

The Importance of Effective Training

First, let’s discuss the importance of having an impactful training program and how that can benefit a manufacturing company. With new hires, training is often a worker’s first introduction to a company. Being the first impression,  companies not only want to teach job roles and duties but also to set the tone. By this, we mean that they show recruits what leaderships’ expectations are and how they can become capable members of the workforce. Likewise, when training current employees for a new role or position, having effective training tactics should allow them to apply their previous experience and knowledge quickly, developing them into an even more effective member of a workforce.

Best practice for factory trainingBenefits of using Effective Training Methods

  1. Safety: At the end of the day everyone wants to go home to their family and friends. By using effective training methods, companies ensure that every worker has the skills and knowledge to maintain a safe work environment.
  2. Lower turnover rate: The leading reason new workers leave a position within the first six months is a poor, haphazard onboarding experience; not receiving clarity on job roles, duties and expectations.
  3. More competent workforce: Properly training individual workers builds a healthy Not only can workers look to their training for references on how to efficiently fulfill their role but they can also listen to other well-trained employees.
  4. Cost savings: Worker retention and sluggish productivity are two of the most expensive problems any company can have. Effective training methods allow companies to avoid both problems, resulting in significantly reduced expenses for additional hiring and training.
  5. Increased worker morale: It’s human nature for individuals to form comradery with those who have shared experiences. Introductory and annual training sessions are perfect cases where workers can bond through their similar experience, creating a close community atmosphere.

Factory training suggestionsTraining Recommendations

  1. Evaluate: Assessment tests and evaluations are not solely used to identify if potential hires have the skills, knowledge or education for a position. They are also terrific tools for developing training programs. In fact, with NBS assessments, companies can design custom tests; asking questions specific to job roles, company objectives, industry standards, and safety rules. Once results are in, supervisors and managers can collectively review results, identifying the material needing more attention within their training program.
  2. Teach the Big Picture: We often see supervisors only teaching trainees aspects specific to their role and not how their company functions together towards their goals. Instead, trainers should explain how a single person’s effort contributes to a finished product. By doing so, workers have a greater understanding of how vital their role is to the entire company and their fellow workers. This deeper level of training provides them with useful knowledge about the company and industry and inspires them to focus on their work for the betterment of their fellow workers.
  3. Factory traineeUse positive reinforcement: Positivity is essential when aiming to inspire individuals to learn new material and then apply what they have learned to be productive. As human nature suggests, we are more likely to remember a negative or frightening experience and that type of experience can do serious damage to a company’s atmosphere. By using positive reinforcement, trainees do not fear making a mistake and instead have their attention focused on actively learning.
  4. Use real-life scenarios: Being able to adapt and think on your feet is a highly desirable trait within any worker. Every day does not go according to plan, and when things go wrong, workers must know how to go on fulfilling their duties safely and efficiently. By using real-life scenarios for potential problems, trainers prepare workers for the unexpected.

With these recommendations and other useful training methods, manufacturers develop efficient workers and build a productive workforce—moving their company towards greater productivity and profitability. If you would like to enhance your company’s training program, contact Nocti Business Solutions today! We can help you develop an outstanding workforce with our unique manufacturing focused and custom evaluation tests. With our tools, you can identify the strengths and weaknesses of your workforce, perfectly tailoring your training program to the needs of your workers.